Earn Money
One of the biggest pitfalls of the Internet is the distraction of business. It is so easy to wonder of from your main goal that you need to remind yourself what the goal is. It 's so easy to ask from your main goal that you need to remind yourself what is the goal.

Look at the phrases below and see if you recognize things Cliquez ici pour obtenir les expressions ci-dessous et voir si vous reconnaissez des choses Look at the sentences below and see if you recognize things Look at the phrases below and see if you recognize things

I am guilty at needless surfing, reading forums and buying information I already knew but didn´t practice. Je suis coupable au inutiles surf, de la lecture et l'achat de forums d'information que je connaissais déjà, mais il n'a pas la pratique. I know I should work on getting more visitors which turn to subscribers of my newsletter. Je sais que je devrais mettre le plus de visiteurs qui se tournent vers les abonnés de mon bulletin. I am guilty at needless surfing, reading forums and buying information I already knew but did not practice. Guilty, I am useless at surfing, reading and buying information forums I already knew, but he did no practice. I know I should work on getting more visitors which turn to subscribers of my newsletter. I know I should make the most visitors who turn to subscribers of my newsletter.

Do I have a newsletter…. Dois-je… un bulletin d'information. I have 2 of them I get 1400 visitors a day on my network of little sites and only 2 sites out of the 65 working sites offer a newsletter and know what… I only have setup a welcome message and no aftersale. J'ai 2 d'entre eux j'obtiens 1400 visiteurs par jour sur mon petit réseau de sites et seulement 2 des sites sur les 65 travaillant sites offrent un bulletin d'information et savoir ce que je n'ai que… configurer un message de bienvenue et aucun aftersale. Do I have a newsletter….… Do I have a newsletter. I have 2 of them I get 1400 visitors a day on my little network of sites and only 2 sites out of the 65 working sites offer a newsletter and know what … I only have setup a welcome message and no aftersale. I have 2 of them get 1400 visitors a day on my little network of sites, and only 2 of the sites on 65 working sites offer a newsletter and what I did that… configure a welcome message and no aftersale.

I am also quilty at looking at stats all the time as if it would change anything. Je suis également quilty à regarder les statistiques de tous les temps, comme si cela allait changer quoi que ce soit. Login in my Google account multipal times a day only to see the daystotal at $25 max. Connexion à mon compte Google multipal fois par jour seulement pour voir le daystotal à 25 $ maximum. Weekends sometimes $10 Week-ends parfois $ 10 I am also quilty at looking at stats all the time as if it would change anything. I also quilty to look at the statistics of all time, as if it would change anything. Login in my Google account multipal times a day only to see the daystotal at $ 25 max. Connecting to my Google multipal times a day just to see the daystotal to $ 25 maximum. sometimes Weekends $ 10 weekends sometimes $ 10

I am also quilty at having no order in my actions and not knowing what to do next week other then trying to build more links Je suis également quilty à avoir aucun ordre dans mes actions et ne sait pas quoi faire la semaine prochaine, d'autres en essayant de construire plus de liens I am also quilty at having no order in my actions and not knowing what to do next week other then trying to build more links I also quilty to be no order in my actions and not knowing what to do next week, others when trying to build more links

Okay…so what to do about it. Bon… alors ce qu'il faut faire à ce sujet. Okay… so what to do about it.… Well then what to do about this.

  • Organize the work. Organiser les travaux. Make dayplans and schedules and try to follow them Faites dayplans et les horaires et essayer de les suivre Organize the work. Organize work. Make dayplans and schedules and try to follow them Make dayplans and schedules and try to follow
  • Set goals and set them realistic goals for next month, 6 months a year. Fixer des objectifs et de fixer des objectifs réalistes pour les prochains mois, 6 mois de l'année. Celebrate every accomplished goal Célébrer chaque objectif accompli Set goals and set realistic goals for them next month, 6 months a year. Setting goals and set realistic goals for the coming months, 6 months of the year. Celebrate accomplished every goal celebrate each goal accomplished
  • Automate and delegate. Automatiser et déléguer. Try to do only what you do best and let others worry about what you are not good at. Essayez de faire seulement ce que vous faites le mieux et de laisser les autres s'inquiéter de ce que vous n'êtes pas au bon. The pro of internet business is also a con as it is so easy to start we tent to want to do everything on our own…guess what …. Le pro de l'Internet est aussi une affaire con- comme il est si facile de lancer tente de nous voulons faire tout ce qui est sur notre propre deviner ce……. you can not excel at everything and frankly there is no need to know every tinny detail. On ne peut pas exceller dans tout et franchement il n'ya pas besoin de connaître tous les détails tinny. Automate and delegate. Automate and delegate. Only Try to do what you do best and let others worry about what you are not good at. Try to do only what you do best and let others worry about what you Not good at. The pro of internet business is also a con as it is so easy to start we tried to want to do everything on our own… guess what…. pro of the Internet is also a con case as it is so easy to start trying to we want to do everything on our own guess what……. you can not excel at everything and frankly there is no need to know every detail tinny. You can not excel in everything and frankly there is no need to know all the details tinny.
  • Finish what you start…do not run from one point to an other finding yourself at the same point next year. Terminer ce que vous commencez… ne pas courir d'un point à un autre vous retrouver à la même époque l'année prochaine. Finish what you start… do not run from one point to an other finding yourself at the same point next year. Finish what you start… not to run from one point to another you at the same time next year.
  • Just say NO to distraction and keep your eyes on the goal… Financial Freedom Il suffit de dire NON à la distraction et de garder les yeux sur l'objectif financier… Liberté Just say NO to distraction and keep your eyes on the goal… Financial Freedom Suffice it to say NO to the distractions and keep your eyes on the goal… Financial Freedom

No startup costs Businesses Pas de frais de démarrage des entreprises No startup costs Businesses No start-up costs of businesses

I love the internet…I realy do. J'aime l'internet… j'ai vraiment faire. Where else do you find the opportunity to start a business with almost no costs? Où d'autre pensez-vous de la possibilité de créer une entreprise avec pratiquement pas de coûts? I love the internet… I really do.… I love the internet I really do. Where else do you find the opportunity to start a business with almost no costs? Where else do you consider the possibility of creating a company with almost no costs?

If you think of it you wil agree with me. Si vous pensez à lui vous aurez d'accord avec moi. Affiliateprograms make it for everyone possible to start a business and all you have to pay is a few dollars a year for registration and about $5-$10 a month for hosting. Affiliateprograms faire pour tout le monde peut démarrer une entreprise et de tout ce que vous avez à payer est de quelques dollars par an pour l'inscription et environ $ 5 - $ 10 par mois pour l'hébergement. Compare that with the startup costs of a brick and mortar business. Comparez cela avec les coûts de démarrage d'une entreprise de briques et de mortier. You will have to pay rent or mortgage for the building, stocks, personal and inventory. Vous devrez payer le loyer ou l'hypothèque pour la construction, les stocks, les personnels et l'inventaire. Then you  have to wait if your location was the best choise and moving your business is no easy task. Ensuite, vous devez attendre si votre emplacement est le meilleur choix et le transfert de votre entreprise n'est pas une tâche facile. If you think of it you wil agree with me. If you think about it you will agree with me. Affiliateprograms make it possible for everyone to start a business and all you have to pay is a few dollars a year for registration and about $ 5-$ 10 a month for hosting. Affiliateprograms things to all people can start a business and all you have to pay is a few dollars per year for registration and about $ 5-$ 10 per month for hosting . Compare that with the startup costs of a brick and mortar business. Compare this with the costs of starting a business of brick and mortar. You will have to pay rent or mortgage for the building, stocks, personal and inventory. You have to pay the rent / mortgage for the building, inventory, personnel and inventory. Then you have to wait if your location was the best choise and moving your business is no easy task. Then you have to wait if your location is the best choice and the transfer of your business is not an easy task.

Marketing is also different … I run a succesfull company with a marketingbudget of $100 a month. La commercialisation est également différent… Je dirige une entreprise réussie d'un marketingbudget de 100 dollars par mois. Alll that is going to Google adwords and they provide me with targeted visitors that are ready to buy. Alll qui va de Google AdWords et ils me fournir des prospects ciblés qui sont prêts à acheter. But most visitors come to my websites for free. Mais la plupart des visiteurs viennent de mes sites Web gratuitement. Marketing is also different… I run a succesfull company with a marketingbudget of $ 100 a month. Marketing is also different… I run a successful story of a marketingbudget of $ 100 per month. Alll that is going to Google adwords and they provide me with targeted visitors that are ready to buy. Alll ranging from Google AdWords and they provide me with targeted prospects who are ready to buy. But most visitors come to my websites for free. But most visitors come to my websites for free.

Having no costs for a building (actually we grew so much that we now have a appartment with an office to it) and almost no costs for marketing makes the internet to me the best place to start a business with no or almost no momey at all. N'ayant pas de coûts pour un immeuble (en fait, nous grandit tellement que nous avons maintenant un appartement avec un bureau pour elle) et pratiquement pas de coûts pour le marketing fait de l'Internet pour moi, le meilleur endroit pour démarrer une entreprise qui n'ont pas ou presque pas momey à tous . Having no costs for a building (actually we grew so much that we now have a apartment with an office to it) and almost no costs for marketing makes the Internet to me the best place to start a business with no or almost no momey at all . Having no cost for a building (in fact, we grew so much that we now have an apartment with an office for it) and almost no costs for marketing due to the Internet for me, the best place to start a business that have little or no momey at all.

The best places to look for affiliateprograms are in my opionion Les meilleurs emplacements pour rechercher affiliateprograms sont dans mon opionion The best places to look for affiliateprograms are in my opionion The best places to look for affiliateprograms are in my opionion

  • CJ.com
  • Shareasale.com
  • Amazon.com
  • Azoogleads.com

The Money is in the List L'argent est dans la liste The Money is in the Money List is on the list

Make money online …sounds easy and sometimes it is but the hard fact is that a lot of people are struggling to make a few dollars a month.Faire de l'argent en ligne semble facile et il est parfois difficile, mais le fait est que beaucoup de personnes ont du mal à faire quelques dollars par mois. Make money online… sounds easy and sometimes it is but the hard fact is that a lot of people are struggling to make a few dollars a month.… Making money online seems easy and it is sometimes difficult, but the fact is many people are struggling to make a few dollars per month.

My tactic is to build sites that are constantly make money. Ma tactique consiste à créer des sites qui ne cessent de gagner de l'argent. I use adsense for it but also affiliate programs.  Adsense is great in terms that you can see instant rewards. J'utilise adsense pour elle mais aussi les programmes d'affiliation. My tactic is to build sites that are constantly make money. Ma tactic is to create sites that continue to make money. Adsense I use for it but also affiliate programs. Adsense is great in terms that you can see instant rewards . adsense I use it but also for affiliate programs. Adsense est grande dans les termes que vous pouvez voir des récompenses instantanées. But what has been on my mind is that the people that visit my sites are leaving and I do not have their names and email. Mais ce qui a été sur mon esprit est que les gens qui visitent mes sites quittent et je n'ai pas leurs noms et des adresses e-mail. I have no system to collect that information and if you read more on internet marketing is one of the most repeated phrases  The money is in the list So I decided today to use a system I have seen before and already own but never used to its full potential Je n'ai pas de système de collecte de l'information et de lire la suite si vous le marketing sur Internet est l'une des expressions les plus répétés L'argent est dans la liste J'ai donc décidé aujourd'hui d'utiliser un système je l'ai déjà vu avant et propre mais jamais utilisée à son plein Potentiel Adsense is great in the terms that you can see instant rewards. But what has been on my mind is that the people that visit my sites are leaving and I do not have their names and email. But what has been on my mind is that people who visit my site are leaving and I do not their names and e-mail addresses. I have no system to collect that information and if you read more on internet marketing is one of the most repeated phrases The money is in the list So today I decided to use a system I have seen before and already own but never used to its full potential I do not have a system for collecting information and read more if you are marketing on the Internet is the 'One of the most repeated Money is on the list today, so I decided to use a system I have ever seen before and clean but never used to its full potential

Awber autoresponders is what I am talking about. Awber automatiques est ce que je parle. I have been playing with this idea before but never came to it. J'ai joué avec cette idée avant, mais jamais venu à elle. The idea is simple. L'idée est simple. Take a topic and find about 15 to 20 affliate programs that are about that topic. Prenez un sujet et trouver environ 15 à 20 affliate programmes qui sont sur ce sujet. Then make a fee report and offer it to your visitors. Puis faire une taxe de rapport et de l'offrir à vos visiteurs. When they download it they have to give you their details and they are inserted in your database with contacts. Quand ils le télécharger qu'ils ont à vous donner leurs coordonnées et ils sont insérés dans votre base de données avec des contacts. Next upload 50 auto responders and set it a week apart and in every message try to sell something throe your affiliate links. Suivant transférer 50 autoréponses et la mettre en une semaine dans chaque message et essayer de vendre quelque chose throe vos liens affiliés. Make it in the form like reviews, information and if you can find special deals. Rendre, dans la forme comme critiques, à l'information et si vous pouvez trouver des offres spéciales. Awber autoresponders is what I am talking about. Awber automatic is what I am talking about. I have been playing with this idea before but never came to it. I played with this idea before, but never came to her. The idea is simple . The idea is simple. Take a topic and find about 15 to 20 affliate programs that are about that topic. take a topic and find about 15 to 20 affliate programs that are on this subject. fee Then make a report and offer it to your visitors. tax Then make a report and give it to your visitors. When they download it they have to give you their details and they are inserted in your database with contacts. download When they have to give you they and their coordinates are inserted into your database of contacts. Next upload 50 auto responders and set it a week apart in every message and try to sell something throe your affiliate links. transfer 50 auto Next and put it in a week in each message and try to sell something throe your affiliate links. Make it in the form like reviews, information and if you can find special deals. Rendering, in such form as critical, information and if you can find special offers .

This way you have much more change to sell something then when yu only have 1 shot and they leave. De cette façon, vous avez beaucoup plus de changer de vendre quelque chose alors quand yu seulement 1 tir et ils partent. This way you have much more to sell something changes then when yu only have 1 shot and they leave. In this way, you have to change much to sell something then when yu only 1 shooting and they leave.

The free report needs to be compelling tho and preferably you should use graphics that draw the people in. The free report needs to be compelling tho and preferably you should use graphics that draw in the people. I am sure it will be more rewarding then using Adsense but I will report back on it. La libre rapport doit être impérieux enjeux et, de préférence, vous devez utiliser des graphiques qui attirent le peuple po je suis sûr qu'il sera plus gratifiant puis à l'aide d'Adsense, mais je vais faire rapport à ce sujet. I am sure it will be more rewarding then using Adsense but I will report back on it. The free report is to be compelling issues and, preferably, you must use graphics that draw people in. I am sure it will be more rewarding then with the help of Adsense, but I am going to report on this matter.

Just a quick note. Juste un petit mot. As  I mentioned I register quite some domainnames and by far my favorite is Godaddy.com The have a coupon that is valid until November 30th and it will let you have a .com domainname for $6.95 Comme je l'ai dit je m'inscris tout à fait certains noms de domaine et de loin, mon favori est Godaddy.com Le ont un coupon qui est valable jusqu'au 30 novembre et il vous laissera avoir un. Just a quick note. Just a quick word. As I mentioned I register quite some domainnames and by far my favorite is The Godaddy.com have a coupon that is valid until November 30th and it will let you have a. Com domainname for $ 6.95 Like I said I do quite certain domain, and by far, my favorite is The Godaddy.com have a coupon, which is valid until November 30 and he will let you have one. Fr nom de domaine pour $ 6.95 Fr domain name for $ 6.95

The couponcode for this Godaddy action is :  gdh1137 Le couponcode pour ce Godaddy action: gdh1137 The couponcode for this Godaddy action is: gdh1137 The couponcode for this Godaddy action: gdh1137

After November 30th you can use an other Godaddy coupon code that will save you 10% on the norml price. Après le 30 Novembre vous pouvez utiliser une autre Godaddy code coupon qui vous permettra d'économiser 10% sur le norml prix. Coupon code is AMAZON3 Coupon code est AMAZON3 After November 30th you can use an other Godaddy coupon code that will save you 10% on the norml price. After November 30 you can use another Godaddy coupon code which will save you 10% on the norml prices. Coupon code is AMAZON3 Coupon code is AMAZON3

Content content content Contenu contenu contenu Content content content content content content

Having over 250 domainnames and planning to expand my virtual real estate empire brings me to several problems. Ayant plus de 250 noms de domaine et de la planification d'élargir mon empire de l'immobilier virtuelle m'amène à plusieurs problèmes. Having over 250 domainnames and planning to expand my virtual real estate empire brings me to several problems. Having more than 250 domain names and planning to expand my empire of virtual real estate leads to several problems.

TIME and Content TEMPS et contenu TIME TIME and Content and Content

I do not have enough hours in one day to do everything I plan or wish to do. Je n'ai pas suffisamment d'heures dans une journée pour faire tout ce que je tiens de plan ou de faire. I own a company that espesially now during this season is very hectic. Je suis propriétaire d'une entreprise qui espesially maintenant au cours de cette saison est très mouvementé. I work from 08:00 till about 23:00 so that leaves me with very few hours left to do other things. Je travaille de 08:00 jusqu'à environ 23:00 de sorte que me laisse avec quelques heures de gauche à faire autre chose. I do not have enough hours in one day to do everything I plan or wish to do. I do not have enough hours in the day to do everything I want or plan to do. I own a company that espesially now during this season is very hectic. I own a company that espesially now during this season is very hectic. I work from 08:00 till about 23:00 so that leaves me with very few hours left to do other things. I work from 08:00 to about 23:00, so that leaves me with a few hours left to do other things.

Setting up a domain is not the hard part. Mise en place d'un domaine n'est pas le plus difficile. In my comptuer I have set up a folder that I call wordpress. Dans mon comptuer j'ai constitué un dossier que j'appelle Wordpress. In it is a total instalation of wordpress with several themes I like and every plugin I use. Il est dans un total installation de Wordpress avec plusieurs thèmes j'aime et chaque plug-in que j'utilise. The only thing I have to do is open up my ftp program and transfer the contents of that file to my hostingaccount. La seule chose que j'ai à faire, c'est ouvrir mes programme ftp et transférer le contenu de ce fichier dans mon hostingaccount. I open the config file and change that and I have a complete site running on the wordpress engine. J'ai ouvert le fichier de configuration et de changement et que j'ai un site complet fonctionnant sur le moteur de Wordpress. Setting up a domain is not the hard part. Establishing a domain is not the most difficult. In my comptuer I have set up a folder that I call wordpress. In my comptuer I have established a record that I call Wordpress. In it is a total setup of wordpress with several themes I like and every plugin I use. It is in a total installation of Wordpress with several themes, and I like that I use each plug. The only thing I have to do is open up my ftp program and transfer the contents of that file to my hostingaccount. The only thing I have to do is open my ftp program and transfer the contents of this file in my hostingaccount. I open the configuration file and change that and I have a complete site wordpress running on the engine. I opened the configuration file and change and that I have a comprehensive site running on the engine of Wordpress.

But after that…..a site is nothing without content. Mais après cela… pour un site n'est rien sans contenu. I thought about using the freely available articles like from Goarticle.com and I admit I made a site with it but I am not happy with it. J'ai pensé à utiliser librement les articles disponibles comme de Goarticle.com et j'avoue que j'ai faite avec un site, mais je ne suis pas heureux avec elle. I am obligated to leave the article the way it is and second the link to the author needs to stay. Je suis obligé de laisser l'article la façon dont elle est le lien et la seconde à l'auteur doit rester. I am to honest to disregard that obligation and what it leaves me is a site with links going to somebody elses site. Je suis honnête de ne pas tenir compte de cette obligation et de ce qu'elle me laisse est un site avec des liens allant à quelqu'un else. I want every click out to count and if there is a link it should be for me or in someway usefull for me. Je veux que chaque clic à compter et s'il ya un lien, il devrait être pour moi ou dans someway utile pour moi. But after that… .. a site is nothing without content.… But after that for a site is nothing without content. I thought about using the freely available from items like Goarticle.com and I admit I made a site with it but I am not happy with it. I thought about using freely available items like Goarticle.com and I admit that I made with a site, but I am not happy with it. am I obligated to leave the article the way it is and the second link to the author needs to stay. I have to leave article the way it is the link and the second to the author must remain. honest I am to to disregard that obligation and what it leaves me is a site with links going to somebody elses site. honest, I am not reflect this requirement and w

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